The second book in DiAnn Mills Texas Legacy series is even better than the first one, if that’s possible. Once again, DiAnn drew me in right from the beginning, with her well developed characters, to the town of Kahlerville, where drama, action, and adventure enmesh with her unique descriptive style.
Jenny Martin has traveled to Kahlerville, determined to bring her niece back home with her to Cleveland. Her sister, Jessica, a fallen dove who died in childbirth, persuaded the town’s doctor to adopt her infant daughter. But Jenny soon realizes that Grant Andrews adores the two year old Rebecca, and has no intention of allowing Jenny to take her from him. Jenny is pursued by a mysterious Aubrey Turner, claiming to have been in love with her sister. Aubrey endeavors to win her affections, knowing that he is competing with Grant. Aubrey will stop at nothing to get close to Jenny, who feels very uneasy about his intentions. Grant senses that Aubrey is a dangerous man, and is concerned for Jenny’s safety.
Jenny comes to love Grant’s family and the residents of the town. Even though she was raised by strict parents with their belief that science was the only thing that mattered, she slowly comes to faith in God, and finds that she must trust Him in every situation. The conversion of Jenny’s faith is told in a completely believable way without preaching. Jenny and Grant fall in love, but when perilous events occur that could keep them apart, Jenny chooses to leave town in order for Grant and Rebecca to continue their happy lives without the interference that her arrival has caused them, and the town of Kahlerville.
In true historic form, DiAnn has written a wonderful story of romance, trust and faith amidst evil, and brings the Texas setting of 1895 in vibrant detail.
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Angie, I appreciate the compliments! I haven't been as consistent as I'd like to be but I'm having fun with this. Thanks for visiting.
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