Monday, December 28, 2009


I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to a prosperous New Year in 2010. Hard to believe we're almost there, huh?

I wanted to let you know that my book cover has been nominated for a cover contest on Carmen Boley's blog. You can cast your vote for the favorite covers listed. Just got to Carmen's blog and on the right hand side- bar, click on your favorite cover then submit your vote. It's just that easy. Of course, I hope you'll choose mine, The Jewel of His Heart, which also happens to be at the top of the blog. There's only 6 more days left in the contest. Vote only one time please. Here's the link.

Until later...

Monday, December 21, 2009


This has already been a fast and furious month for me and I'll wager for you too. I'll be signing at the Border's Bookstore at the Avenues in E. Cobb tomorrow, Tuesday 12/22 from 1-3 pm. I hope if you happen to live in the area that you'll stop in and say hello. I'd love to meet you.

I'm hoping to write a blog post before Christmas, so hope you'll come on back.

Happy shopping for your last minute gifts and I hope you save time for baking your favorites Christmas cookies! This is a wonderful time of year, but especially for the children and since I have grandchildren, it's exciting to watch them at Christmas!

I'll be back soon.