If you enjoy reading historical novels, you will want to read Molly Bull’s The Winter Pearl. It’s a wonderful story of a girl, Honor McCall, on the run in Colorado 1888 from her cruel Uncle. This is a sweet story of love and forgiveness. I had never written to a publisher about a book before, but I wrote them about this book last year after reading it. I never expected this book to have such a strong effect on me! At one point into the story, I had to lay the book aside because I couldn’t read through my tears. This took me completely off guard! Molly allowed me to see inside the head, and heart of an alcoholic, through a secondary character named Lucas. To be quiet honest, I have never had a lot of sympathy for people who abuse alcohol or drugs, or even food. I knew that this was a fault of mine because I was a child of an alcoholic father. In the past, I had prayed that God would give me more compassion for these people. Who knew that it would be through this book?
I could tell that something in my heart was slowly changing, after the first couple of chapters. Lucas was on his third drinking binge. The reader is able to see deep into his heart for what he truly is, ashamed, and feeling worthless. He knew that he did not live up to his parent’s or sister’s standards. Lucas figured that he didn’t really matter to anyone, and no one cared what he did with his life. The story began to make me understand what it must feel like to be in his shoes. Something I never thought about before with my own father. Molly made me care about the Lucas, and taught me something about having compassion for people who are addicts, through Pastor Kline, his wife, and Lucas’s sister, Regina. My contempt for these kind of people was replaced with compassion, understanding, and forgiveness.
Kudos to you, Molly, as your book hits the bookshelf in mass market this month. Put this on your definite read list!
Hi,son. I guess I forgot to send the chapters to you. LOL! I'll do that.
Hope to see you this weekend before you leave for Chicago for your fabulous new position as Pharmacy Supervisor for Walgreen's! I'm so proud of you!
Yes, this is a great book. I love Molly's writing. I, too, thought what you did, how she took us into Lucas's head and let us see his heart.
Hi, Jared. :) I'm Brenda's friend. Is that pic really you? LOL
Congrats on your new job your mom mentioned. That's great.
In a Wal-Mart pharmacy in our city, we have a singing pharmacist. He'll get on the store's sound system and sing about what's on sale, or just asking them to use the pharmacy. Pretty neat, I think. Course I like songs and singing.
God's best to you in your new job...
That is not his body! LOL! Though, at 33, he looks great! Go check out his blog. Jared will be in charge of 25 Phamacists in Southwest Atlanta. He has been a pharmacist for about 6 years. This will be more stress, but I think he is very capable. (Of course, I'd think that).
Hey, Brenda,
Congrats on your great blog site. Way to go.
I'm so glad you and Kristy liked The Winter Pearl. Thanks for your kind words. The Winter Pearl can be ordered right now from Amazon and will be available in mass market paperback on February 1, 2007.
I have another long historical novel, Sanctuary, coming out in trade paperback in September 2007. Sanctuary is set in France in 1740, ends in Scotland and is an adventure story about the Huguenots. Those who liked The Winter Pearl might also like Sanctuary and learn a little history besides.
Molly Noble Bull
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