From time to time, we all have burdens that lay heavy like a heavy rock in our heart which becomes too much to bear and we don’t know which way to turn for help, if we do at all. I wonder if you have a rock in your heart that needs to be removed. Maybe something that you’re trying to take care of on your own? Isn’t that just human nature? We are all good at trying to run our lives on our own terms and we shun offers of help. We try to forge ahead headlong because we think we can handle it, and we don’t really want another person’s opinion. Or we really don’t want to discuss personal difficulites. But close friends can offer good advice, and then we can use it or just toss it aside. The problem with holding onto a rock is that it can be so damaging mentally and physically.
So what should do we do when we have a rock and the load is too heavy to bear? Scripture tells us to be thankful in all things in 1 Thess.5:18. Sometimes I find this very hard to take, not being able to see through the fog to any possible outcome. Especially when I have family that is hurting or very ill and I’m beside myself with concern. But then I’m not God so I can’t possibly see how everything works together to create a good result.
However, I know that we need to look to our Power Source—God in us—when a set of circumstances threatened to take hold of us with an all consuming fire. He says He will give us more strength when the burdens grow greater, and give us more grace when the labors increase. To added affliction, He adds His mercy to multiplied power and peace. I don’t know any of us that couldn’t use some of this grace and power. All we really have to do is talk to Him about it. He’s already at work behind the scenes. He is the rock through all circumstances that I cling to because He promises that He will never leave me or forsake me. Christ is referred to as the Rock in many places in scripture. These are just a few:
The Lord is my rock
An Everlasting rock
My rock and my fortress
My Rock and my Redeemer
The Rock of Israel
He is the Rock
The spiritual Rock
The Rock eternal
My latest book, The Jewel of His Heart, is a lot about forgiveness and being thankful in all things. I didn’t start out to write the book that way, but that's how it evolved, and I wrote as God led me. So in honor of Thanksgiving and how much we have to be grateful for, I’m giving away a copy of my latest book. All you need to do is post me a comment and tell what you are grateful for this Thanksgiving season. Please be brief and to the point. I hope this will get you to really ponder the gifts that God has given you and many that you’ve taken for granted. I know I have.
I’ll start us off by giving what I’m thankful for and there’s too many to list, but here’s one of mine—that God in my life is forever faithful and His love endures forever. After all we are really the jewel of His heart.
Now post me a comment and leave your email by giving me your name, using (dot) at (your email addy). After Thanksgiving, I’ll have someone in my family draw the name and I’ll send you a personally signed copy of The Jewel of His Heart by mail.
Have a grateful Thanksgiving…
I am thankful for the trials of having a 2 year old little girl.
There are so many things as you say but I am truly thankful that all my sons are bold followers of Christ.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for all my family and the joys of winter:)
I'm thankful for having been raised in a Christian family.
Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful that the Lord continues to show me in ways both large and small that I am loved.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I am thankful for blessings of health, family, but most of all that HE is always with me....He's always faithful!
I'm thankful for imagination to be able to enjoy the wonderful stories I find in books. Only a loving God would equip us with escapism to rest our weary minds and hearts.
I am truly thankful for all my friends and Family but most of all I am thankful for Jesus Christ dying for all of our sins so we all have a chance to go to Heaven. Happy Thanks Giving!
Thank you for this encouraging thought this morning. I needed it! I am thankful for my family, especially my new grandbaby and all the wonderful people God has brought into my life.
Maggie, I am thankful for my husband, the Jewel of My Heart. After being a widow for 19 years, God brought him into my life and he is definitely a gift to be thankful for.I'd love to read your new book.
I am so thankful for my Husband:) Would love to win this book. Please enter me. Thanks!! Lori L.
I've been noticing lately during my bible study time about how so much is said and emphasized in the scriptures about God's grace! For his grace I am so thankful - I would never make it on my own merits.
Deborah M.
I'm so thankful that my husband's doctor suspected something was wrong with his heart and sent him for a stress test. He ended up having two stents put in his main artery and is doing great! Praise God!
annshorey [at] msn [dot] com
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