Springtime in the south is always spectalular but Georgia puts on a beautiful, irrestible show. I couldn't resist this picture of the cherry trees at the entrance to our neighborhood against the back drop of balmy blue skies. The cherry trees were in bloom a couple of weeks ago but I'm just now copying them onto my computer. I enjoyed walking through our neighborhood watching each day as the tiny green leaves unfold then become broad leaves giving shade for the long hot summer days. I have to schedule time to walk since my deadline for the first book in the new series looms and I'm at the keyboard most days.But being outside with nature always starts creative juices flowing in my head.
I'm pretty excited about the release of A Love of Her Own at the end of May! I hope you'll get a copy for your springtime reading and catch the ride of April McBride and her adventureous visit to Montana. I have an Author Spotlight up on RT Reviews today which will give you a little insight into the theme behind the story. Here's the link: http://www.rtbookreviews.com/content/authors-spotlight. I'll be setting up booksignings soon and my first one is May 15th at the LifeWay store in Buford, GA. I hope to see you there. Until later, Maggie
Sheri Berry, get Bobby to plant you a cherry tree. You need one down by the lower patio. You have such aa fabulous lake view that it'll only enhance the beauty of your yard. Hugs, Mama
Gosh, the flowers are beautiful. I never cared one way or the other when I was younger, but as I get older, I can appreciate their beauty. Thanks for sharing.
Hi there,Lynne. I had a mother who loved flowers and vegetables and she was a big influence on me, so I guess I've always loved to piddle in the dirt. However, I have very hard ground,(for the most part-red clay). Before buying this house with its small yard, I had a lot of flowers. Trees & flowers are such a feast for the eyes:) Thanks for stopping by.
I've got A Love of Her Own in my Amazon shopping cart. Can't wait to read it.
I was just thinking how much I love spring! I love to sit on my porch and look at my flowers and the lake and the green grass. :)
I love the cherry blossoms!
Keli, Thanks for your pre-order. I think you'll enjoy April's story.
Sheri Berry, get Bobby to plant you a cherry tree. You need one down by the lower patio. You have such aa fabulous lake view that it'll only enhance the beauty of your yard. Hugs, Mama
Gosh, the flowers are beautiful. I never cared one way or the other when I was younger, but as I get older, I can appreciate their beauty.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi there,Lynne. I had a mother who loved flowers and vegetables and she was a big influence on me, so I guess I've always loved to piddle in the dirt. However, I have very hard ground,(for the most part-red clay). Before buying this house with its small yard, I had a lot of flowers. Trees & flowers are such a feast for the eyes:) Thanks for stopping by.
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