Our wonderful pastor, Bryant Wright, is one of the nominees for the presidency. I sure hope he's elected, but then I guess I'm partial. Bryant is a true follower of Christ and Johnson Ferry supports his decision to be nominated. You can check him out at http://www.jfbc.org/. I worked for Bryant some years ago compiling his 10 years worth of sermons into a booklet for quick reference. I was priviledged to work in the Worship and Music office but actually worked under Right From the Heart, Bryant's radio ministry, http://www.rfth.org/. I assisted in the filming of his TV spots and filling orders for his sermons. What a blast! I also headed up a prayer team for two his RFTH Gala fundraisers. It was a special time in my life that I believed God called me to for a season.
God continues to bless me tremendously. Once I asked Bryant to pray for my sister who has MS and he stopped right on the spot to pray with me. I talked about God's incredible love for me and I told him I'll never truly understand it and he agreed that we really can't. We just need to accept it a gift. I hope you've accepted that gift-if not don't let anonther day go by without discovering how you can.
Until later,
Congratulations, Brenda. The SBC has a huge display area of which LifeWay usually takes about 40% or so of the space. Your signing time likely will be listed in the daily bulletin. In that way your friends can see when you are signing. The display area is a very popular place because the pastors and other SBC attendees can't stay seated in the business meeting the entire time. The displays are where they pick up new books, see friends, and visit their displays of their colleges and seminaries. There will be literally thousands who mill by in any given hour. I pray for your success in the signing time. Bill Patterson
Thanks, Bill. Sounds like you've attended before. Our choir sang at one of the convention a while back, but that's all I know about it. I'll only be there the one day. I'm excited. Are you a pastor or author?
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
Hi Brenda,
I have a blog where I host author interviews, book reviews and giveaways. I would love to have you as a guest sometime! Please contact me if this might be worked out:)
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