Monday, June 07, 2010


If you own a Kindle, now's your chance to get a free download of No Place for a Lady if you haven't had a chance to read it. This is the first book in my Heart of the West series. The offer runs starting today until July 4th. Here's the link: The title held the #1 spot for 24 hours! I'm at #2 now. This is thrilling, but it does change every hour.

I'm also featured on Authorbuzz today with the release of my new book, A Love of Her Own. To read more about the book click here:

This is a great start to the week for me and I hope for you too.

Happy Reading,


Linnette Mullin said...

Haha...just went to get my free download only to find out I already downloaded it. I downloaded so many the other day that I couldn't remember what all I got.

Maggie Brendan said...

Lynnette, you're starting to sound like me--forgetful. I have to have lists! Hope you enjoy Crystal's story.

Unknown said...

Thought your readers might like to know that there is a Kindle app for android phones. "No Place For A Lady" was the first book I read via kidnle download on my android. I started it Wednesday and even with working a full week and managing my family I have now read it and "The Jewel of His Heart". I find your books to be exact matches to my reading style. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.