I love the stately structure and always feel like I've stepped back in time. I was in Blue Willow Heaven! Many know of my love for blue willow dishes and how that all got started when I was a little girl. My brother and his wife gave me a blue willow tea set for Christmas.
When I saw the decorated room where the ladies tea would be held, I couldn't help but feel very honored. Miss Billie has a great staff and they worked hard to make this tea and signing a great success.
Me and Miss Billie-owner of The Blue Willow Restaurant & Inn
Our very own bride, Makensy, directing the ladies upstairs. Isn't she a doll?
Wonderful smells led me upstairs where I met Miss Billie and her staff. They spared no expense with the dining area. It was so pretty that I didn't want to even place my water glass down for fear the glass would leave a water ring on the beautiful blue fabric covered table.
Each of the place settings had a key chain holding a magnolia charm, a southern belle, and a charm of the Inn hooked onto the napkin. Our delicious menu consisted of Chicken salad, Croissants, Quiche, Cucumber salad sandwiches, Broccoli salad (that was wonderful),frozen desserts, an array of dessert squares, tea/Lemonade, mints and nuts and coffee. How perfect!
The sideboard laden with giveaways and of course my books!
Me speaking to the ladies
Drawing names for fun prizes! I gave blue willow tea cup and saucer, a box of tea, cookies from Holland and for-get-me-knot seeds. One bag I gave away had a bibliophile's journal. I'm not sure what the staff gave out as I was too busy calling out names. Miss Billie like my gift to her --The Heart of the West Series

She won The Blue Willow Cookbook! I have it and it's a beautiful book.
Carol is a bundle of energy!
The charms-beautiful~!
Love the ladies in their hats!
Signing my books
As you can tell this was a wonderful, fun-filled afternoon and I gained new friends and readers.
Many at the end of my talk, asked a lot of good questions. I believe Miss Billie said they will start having a tea once a year. She was so delightful to talk with and hear some of the stories of the years she and her husband had at the Blue Willow Inn. Her husband Louis is smiling down from heaven and how well she has carried on with her supportive staff and surely he is proud, as I am to have met her.
What a wonderful day that I'll never forget. Thank you Blue Willow Inn folks. See you soon for some friend okra, catfish and banana pudding!
If you're ever in GA please go by the Blue Willow Inn in Social Circle, GA!
Maggie Brendan
Nice going, Brenda! Proud of you, girl!
Thanks, Caroline. It was such a blast! Hope you're doing well. :)
Oh wow, this is beautiful. It looks like you all had so much fun!
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