Saturday, April 22, 2006

Staying on Target

Since I haven't been consistent since I started this blog, I'm looking back over the last couple of days to see what I have been doing. I have been walking my 2 miles, indoors this week because of thunderstorms. I have submitted to a writer's contest. I have signed up for a writer's workshop in May. I did renew my dues for ACFW. I did host my writer's critique group this past Thursday and critiqued their work. I did start chapter six of my second novel. I did write a proposal for Multnomah that I will proof and send this weekend. I read my new Christian Communicator and Writer's Digest. I did read through a cazillion emails on the writers loop. I did all the countless and endless chores of taking care of a home, chatted with my daughter and my friends on the phone and rejoiced with my sister on the birth of her first granddaughter!
All in all not a bad week when I look back. But one of the best movtivators for me has been my critique group. I was in MT for a couple of weeks, so when we met this week, I was happy. We really draw strength from each other, and the support for ideas and brainstorming is awesome. You know the saying, two or three heads are better than one! All of them expressed this same sentiment, realizing how valuable we are to one another. Besides, they are just wonderful and fun gals to be with, and I thank God for them! about you? What are your goals? Are you staying on target?
Sure hope so.

1 comment:

Maggie Brendan said...

Hi, Jared,
It's easier for me to say it than to do it but maybe it will encourage someone out there.