So instead of “what’s in your wallet”, like the Capital One commercial, I’ve been thinking about what’s in my head and maybe yours too. By the mere fact that I’m under contract, I have to separate in my head the “real” from fiction. Sometimes that’s not so easy to do because my characters seem very real to me. In my head, a novel is going at all times, along with calculating or listing all the things I must do—like laundry that never ends, pulling weeds, shopping for groceries, cleaning the dreaded bathrooms, paying the bills, listening to the news, a favorite TV program, writing my blog and my having quiet time. The list goes on an on. Everything and everyone competes for my attention. Maybe that’s why I like to think back on the days gone by before the big “Super Hi-way” of the internet when people took time to write you a real letter instead of an email, took a meal to a sick friend, or lent a hand to help someone with a difficult task.
Here’s one my favorites thing to do to get me away from everything. Silence. Just pure and simple. No talking, no TV, no music, just pure unadulterated silence. That’s when I can go deep within myself to get to know me better or hear the voice of God. Why? Because you have to be still and listen in order to have that benefit. It does come with a premium. You have to shut out everything else which can make you appear selfish, but until you do it on a regular basis, you might even feel you’re wasting time when you could be doing all the other things I mentioned previously. No worrying about the high cost of living, your children’s home work or attitude, taxes, health care, money, or the newest political move by the government should enter into your quiet time. Just be. Just feel. Just listen.
I read a great quote somewhere by Alice Walker, “writer’s know how to perfect the art of doing nothing so beautifully”. I happen to agree with her sentiments because I’m so good at doing exactly that.
Here’s a few fun things that I do so beautifully….
I piddle around the house when I take a break, visit my local bookstore, lunch with a good friend, seeing a good movie, walking in the woods or a park, or taking a long walk. I love smelling coffee brewing while I read a devotional or a good book to submerse myself in, or treating myself to have my nails done. I enjoy attending choir and learning the beautiful music that lifts my spirits, cooking my favorite Southern comfort foods, taking a fast nap in my recliner on Sunday afternoon, and of course, spending time with my grandchildren at is always at the top of my list. They keep me young! But bottom line is—I have to have quiet time alone. It’s good for the psyche and renews my soul. I always come away refreshed and I can hear God’s voice better, without all the constant distractions. Why don’t you put aside all the gadgets that vie for your constant attention, the cell phones, the I-Pads, and TV just for a short while, or better yet take a two day fast. No catastrophe will happen if you do. I’ll bet you’ll get more things done in the process. What you put in your head on a daily basis is what comes out. Be conscious of filling it with “good stuff” and the world is a brighter place.
So to that end, what’s in your head? How do you fill it with “good stuff”? Let me know and I’ll enter your name in a drawing for a copy of my latest book, A Love of Her Own. Maybe you’d like to give it as a Christmas gift or birthday. Just write me one or two BRIEF things that are floating around in YOUR head in the comment section. Then check back here Sunday night for the winner’s name.
I can’t wait to read your responses.
P.S. I haven’t forgotten about posting about my favorite books I’ve read, but I’ve just finished a deadline for book #4 last week, but that post is coming soon--If the emails, editorial comments, marketing, phone calls, chapters to write.....I'm sure you get it.
I've been on deadline this week. Shouldn't be doing a thing but finishing my book. So, what do I do? I got this sudden urge to wash all the coats in the coats closet and to clean it out. I found stuff from 2004 in my husband's coat--and I'm certain it's been washed since then. Hmmm....
In my quiet times I like to read, relax and watch my fav movies, have lunch with a friend, or spurge and take a nap. Nothing too out of the ordinary.
Congrats on finishing book four!! I haven't gotten to read book three yet. Okay, back to my book.
fictionfan1 [@] cox [dot] net
Hi Maggie! I'm reading "One Year Alone with God: 366 Devotions on the Names of God" by Ava Pennington and those names keep floating around in my head all day, trying to remember which is which.My husband and I have a prayer list that we pray for extensively twice a day and those names pop into my mind during the day and I say a short prayer for them. Then, there's my grandchildren who constantly pop into my head and heart throughout the day.
Everyday during workouts or doing housework the song Hallelulah by Leonard Cohen keeps going through my head. This beautiful song and lyrics has inspired me many times to achieve and manage my life.
Some days my head has more rolling around in it than others. I think of those who have left us and am saddened by this but then I think of my family and their future and hope that it will be one of success, integrity and beauty. rojosho(at)hotmail(dot)com
Vickie, you're so bad! Lol. looking at blogs when you're on deadline--but I sneak peaks at blogs too when I'm on deadline. It helps keep my sanity. Good luck with your deadline.
Ann, I do the same thing when I think of my grandchildren. They are in my prayers every day.
Everyone don't forget to leave your email addy in the same fashion as Vickie did on her comment.
Traveler--It's funny you mention music in your head. Music plays a big part of my life and I love many types. Thanks for taking the time to post. :)
Petite, I'm sorry for any losses you endured. It's so hard to lose loved ones, and I've had my share of many. I had 8 siblings and now there are only 3 left. Some of them died too young. But you're right forward. Everyday is a gift.
Thanks for posting.
This time of year, it's hard not to have your head filled with things that must be done. Especially for me as I have just spent four months hiking the Appalachian Trail and now must adapt back into home and writing life! But I have wonderful memories of God's creation to give me peace and a sense of direction as I write for Him.
Lauralee, you must be in great shape for a hike that long! Did you take a lot of pictures of leaf changing? I love this time of year and you're so right, the outdoors is a wonderful way to feels God's presence in our life. I'm reminded of the song, "I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, fromm whence cometh my help".
Thanks for stopping by.
Good post, Brenda! With the holidays coming up, including two book signings and a talk to a women's group, there's more in my head than usual! My quiet time with my Bible is my get-away. The Lord reminds me that He's brought me to this point, and He will get me through it.
I sigh with relief, then go back to writing!
I already have your books, so no need to enter me in your contest.
Hi Ann, Thanks for coming by. You sound as busy as me. :) You're like me-aside from the fun things to do-the serious side is my quiet time to keep me centered. Best wishes for speaking at the women's group.
Just finished reading your second book "Jewel of His Heart"..LOVED IT!! I will be taking a detour to the book-store tomorrow to get the third one! I'm secretly hoping that one of the upcoming books will be about Marion and perhaps Mark the doctor..but I will be happy to just have another wonderful book to read! So glad I found your books, but I must have more...that's whats floating around in my head :)
Hi there Brittany! I'm so thrilled that you like The Jewel of His Heart!
Tonight I'll be drawing a name from this post for an autograpphed copy of the 3rd book.
Thanks for stopping by! :)
I could never write novels, but God has given me the ability to write computer programs and create games. So I usually have ideas for new games running around in my mind along with other things I have to remember. If you would like to see my games, just click on my name to see my website.
Also, I have read all your books and am glad to read that you are continuing to write more.
shirley at grandmamouse dot net
You know something. You are a real hero. You make us think, make us laugh, and entertain us so well. I real have a great time when I visit your blog.
Kris, I'm tickled that you enjoy the blog. I've just finished deadline for book #5, so I'm hoping to have time to blog more once edits are complete. Happy Fourth of July! :)
I wonder how you manage to write and express so well. The transparency I get in your writing has made me a regular visitor to your blog.
Hi Landscaping-I'm happy that you took the time to drop by my blog and the fact that you enjoy reading it makes me feel bad that I haven't had much time to post a blog lately. I have a giveaway that I intend to do this week for a copy of my newest book, so I hope you drop back by. Have a wonderful fall week:)
I am a die hard fan of your posts, and can't stay away from your writings for a long time. Keep up the good work.
This is the best thing you could have delivered to your readers. Believe me, I enjoyed every bit of it.
well although im interested in your article about stress and deadlines vs relaxation, im more interested as to where you got these nice porcelain doll heads, i am selling import and export goods online on ebay and amazon, so naturally i am able to look them up but i dont know who is still making them? thanks :)
I work from home selling export goods and it has been interesting to read a bunch of blogs! Keep it up.
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